Bench Bar Meeting: June 5, 2024

Bench Bar Meeting: June 5, 2024

Rick Gazipura, SCCBA Director at Large and Bench Bar Liaison, submits his report from the Bench Bar meeting.

Judge Syda Cogliati (presiding Judge) 6/5/2024 Bench Bar meeting

Status of Trials and Court

Judges Cogliati and Schmal are doing mediations and trials

In addition, Judge Hansen, who sits in Dept 1 on a misdemeanor calendar, has also taken on some civil jury trials.

Trials are moving ahead in civil departments.

Judge Cogliati notes that an expedited jury trial process is available. If someone wants to have this kindof trial (limited jurors, challenges, time for trial), can find further info on CA courts website

Judicial assignment changes on Sept 1

Judge Hansen and Connolly will swap places. Judge Connolly goes to Dept. 2 and Hansen goes to Watsonville, Dept C

Anticipate that Judge Connolly will take some civil jury trial just as Judge Hansen does now

Other News

Based on survey, will keep all Bar meetings on Zoom

Tanya Harmony Ridino leaving senior legal, Rebecca Steckler stepping in as interim director

Angel Hess—encourages people to sign up for LRS—

It supports the local bar and legal community. Ms. Hess notes that she is the only panelist in family law

When join, supports local bar and legal community—

Attorney Fred Ebey has passed away

Emily DuBois—Law Library celebrated Austin Comstock’s 90th Birthday with a fundraiser

Law Library has lost funding from State. They are the other half of the Self Help Center. It is a huge resource for public. It needs funding or will have to cut back.Donations can be Marketing Expense for business

Meeting notes PDF