Bench Bar Meeting: September 11, 2024

Bench Bar Meeting: September 11, 2024

Lauren Corman, SCCBA Board of Directors President, submits her report from the Bench Bar meeting.

Judge Syda Cogliati (presiding Judge) 9/11/2024 Bench Bar meeting

Judicial Assignment Changes as of September 1st

As of September 1st, Judges Hansen and Connolly have swapped places, and Judge Hansen is in Department C with the Family Law Department, and Judge Connolly is in Department 2 with Misdemeanors.

Judge Connolly is also acting as back up judge for civil matters.

Status of Trials and Courts

Departments 5 and 10 are doing jury trials.  Since Department 10 is not set up for it, they are using Departments 1 and 3.

The Court is continuing to set jury trials and judicial mediations into early February 2025.  Mediations are extremely successful. Encourage everyone use them, but limited spots (6 per month in Dept 5, and 8 in Dept 10).

Judicial Vacancy in Santa Cruz – consider judicial mentorship program with Judge de la Pena


Budget this year is not good for the courts statewide, and certainly for Santa Cruz.  Staff is doing an amazing job of keeping everything running; haven’t had to do layoffs or minimize court hours.

Soft hiring freeze at this time.  If things are taking longer than usual, it is because everyone is working extra.

Reduced services around the holidays and voluntary furloughs by staff

Continued shortage of court reporters has led to approval of electronic recording in some matters in some state courts.

Local and State Forms

Pending amendments to local civil rules – Judges Schmal and Cogliati are working on drafting amendments.  Anticipate changes to ex parte process by January 1, 2025.  Amendments both with regard to what is required for judicial mediation and briefing, and also with trial calendar call and timing of when things need to be filed before trial calendar call.  Likely due 1 full day earlier than current requirement.

Judge Schmal prefers Notice of Remote Appearance being submitted before every court appearance.  Please file NORA for each attorney appearing.

Meeting notes PDF